Sometimes, we make things harder on ourselves by the words we choose, not just by putting our feet in our mouths but in our nomenclature systems. For example, isn’t lawn loss scary enough without describing it in terms of war? Perhaps it’s appropriate in a month whose name calls to mind military movement. Progreen is addressing one of your Cedar Park lawn’s greatest adversaries: the insect invaders known as the armyworm. Luckily, controlling armywormsdoesn’t involve armed conflict. But a little knowledge goes a long way, along with some lawn treatments. So here are eight facts about army warms you never knew you wanted to know. They’re Not Really Worms! Speaking of misusing words, the first thing you need to know about armyworms is they’re not worms at all. What!? It’s true! Armyworms are the larval stage of a moth. Arnyworms Lifecycle You may remember from elementary school biology that moths and butterflies have four stages of life: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. They start life in a domeshaped egg before hatching out at the wormlike larvae that eat your grass! The larval stage lasts 14 to 30 days, at the end of which they are particularly destructive. The mature caterpillars are about two and a half inches long with a Y-shaped head. You can decide whether that’s cute or creepy. At this point, they form a chrysalis and enter the pupa stage. That lasts from seven to thirty-seven days, and during this time, they are particularly vulnerable to temperature and predators. Adult armyworms are moths. They live ten days to three weeks and are active at night. During the adult stage, armyworms eat nectar and are not a direct threat to your grass or crops. However, during this stage, they lay eggs which begins your pest problem anew! They Like it Hot There’s a lot to love about our Texas weather. It can get hot in the summer, but our winters are practically nonexistent. It’s what made Texas so attractive to many people who moved here from other states. Unfortunately, it’s also attracted to armyworms! People who live in states with real winters don’t need to worry about controlling armyworms. They can’t survive the winter in their larval stage and can not enter the pupa stage. They Get Around You’d be surprised how far adult armyworms can fly. During the warmer months, they can get all the way to Canada! One generation of moths can move 300 miles, which is a lot for anything with a three-week lifespan! Problematic Diets The reason that armyworms are on our radar at all is because of their diet. They destroy lawns. The first sign of armyworms is transparency at the edges of the grass. Unfortunately, homeowners sometimes miss these signs because they resemble drought damage. They’re Also Cannibals! Even though it’s not particularly good for them, armyworms eat other armyworm larvae. That doesn’t affect your lawn, but we do frown upon it. Dangers to Armyworms Many animals use armyworms as a food source, including other insects, rodents, and birds. Therefore, one way of controlling armyworms is to encourage populations of these birds and other insects as long as they are not also detrimental to your plants. Armyworms are also vulnerable to fungi and parasites. Because of their fast life cycle, they typically survive to the end of their lives anyway, but scientists are studying parasites in their quest for armyworm control. Controlling Army Worms Like so much in landscaping and life, controlling armyworms is better done by prevention than cure. That’s why Progreen offers lawn treatments to prevent armyworm populations from establishing themselves on your property. Spraying chemicals should only be done by professionals. Progreen has access to the right treatments to prevent damage to your lawn. We also know how to use the minimum amount required for maximum results, so you don’t have to have more chemicals than necessary on your property. Improper use of lawn treatments can burn or otherwise damage your lawn, so we don’t recommend DIY or working with anyone other than trusted and licensed professionals. Got an Invading Army? Don’t wait until you notice an infestation to call Progreen for your lawn treatment. The damage to your lawn can be devastating. And while we’ve all got to eat, you don’t want to let these invaders eat your grass. Controlling armyworms is part of living in Texas, one of the few places they can last all year, but Progreen is your professional pest control team!